
Friday, July 23, 2010

JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor – TinyEditor

JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor
TinyEditor is a simple JavaScript WYSIWYG editor that is both lightweight (8KB) and standalone. It can easily be customized to integrate with any website through CSS and the multitude of parameters. It handles most of the basic formatting needs and has some functionality built in to help keep the rendered markup as clean as possible. The icons are courtesy of  and have been combined into a sprite so there are only a few HTTP requests for the editor. I plan on adding some updates in the future to support font color, a full-screen mode, and a paste from Word option.
To initialize the script use the following:
01new TINY.editor.edit('editor',{
02    id:'input', // (required) ID of the textarea
03    width:584, // (optional) width of the editor
04    height:175, // (optional) heightof the editor
05    cssclass:'te', // (optional) CSS class of the editor
06    controlclass:'tecontrol', // (optional) CSS class of the buttons
07    rowclass:'teheader', // (optional) CSS class of the button rows
08    dividerclass:'tedivider', // (optional) CSS class of the button diviers
09    controls:['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '|', 'subscript', 'superscript', '|', 'orderedlist', 'unorderedlist', '|' ,'outdent' ,'indent', '|', 'leftalign', 'centeralign', 'rightalign', 'blockjustify', '|', 'unformat', '|', 'undo', 'redo', 'n', 'font', 'size', 'style', '|', 'image', 'hr', 'link', 'unlink', '|', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'print'], // (required) options you want available, a '|' represents a divider and an 'n' represents a new row
10    footer:true, // (optional) show the footer
11    fonts:['Verdana','Arial','Georgia','Trebuchet MS'],  // (optional) array of fonts to display
12    xhtml:true, // (optional) generate XHTML vs HTML
13    cssfile:'style.css', // (optional) attach an external CSS file to the editor
14    content:'starting content', // (optional) set the starting content else it will default to the textarea content
15    css:'body{background-color:#ccc}', // (optional) attach CSS to the editor
16    bodyid:'editor', // (optional) attach an ID to the editor body
17    footerclass:'tefooter', // (optional) CSS class of the footer
18    toggle:{text:'source',activetext:'wysiwyg',cssclass:'toggle'}, // (optional) toggle to markup view options
19    resize:{cssclass:'resize'} // (optional) display options for the editor resize
The first parameter taken by TINY.editor.edit is the variable name used for the object instance. Keep in mind that before posting you will need to call the function to ensure that the latest changes in the WYSIWYG translate into the text area. This script has been tested in all major
1/8/2010 – Resolved a couple IE and Chrome issues and added some cleanup for Safari/Chrome. Thanks for the reports.
1/12/2010 – Resolved issue with conversion to lower case and the header row class.


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